If so then perhaps you should close the doors on Easter Sunday. you will do the C&Es more good than harm. A church should not want to be open on a pagan holiday to begin with.
But lo we will be reveling in full pews, remembering when every Sunday was a full church. Why bother now? The C&Es will not be back until Christmas Eve anyway. Like a long lost friend that shows up just to say goodbye at your funeral.......................why bother?
There is nothing scriptural about Easter. To think that Christ arose April 20th one year and March 21st another should be enough to sound alarms. Dig a little deeper and you will find Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring equinox. I am having a hard time finding this in the New Testament.
The Resurrection is something to celebrate EVERY DAY not just one Sunday each year.
Even About.coms Atheist/Agnostic page acknowledges the pagan origins and customs
According to the website of The Restored Church of God Lent is another Pagan practice;
(I make no claim about the teachings of this church just citing reference for Easter and Lent)
"Since there is no instruction to observe Lent in the Bible, where did it come from? A forty-day abstinence period was anciently observed in honor of the pagan gods Osiris, Adonis and Tammuz"