So what then can be wrong with such a true to faith true the teaching body of Christians? The issue here is one of compromise in the name of ecumenicism. While the church itself is doctrinally sound in an effort to espouse Christian unity churches like mine have begun to fellowship in an official capacity with mainline denominational churches that long ago began slipping in their standards and evolved into churches of the world.
Some of these churches ordain women into official pastoral capacities, some have given in to the homosexual squeaky wheel and not only ordaining gay clergy but performing same sex marriage. Some of these denominational churches in our town are still conservative enough and stand firm against the practice of same sex marriage but still fly the Episcopal and ELCA flags and logos on their doors.
Several of the local congregations while not performing same sex marriage have "formulas of agreement" with ones who do and agreed to share clergy amongst themselves. Some of them ordain women.
The leadership of churches like mine will not let women in the pulpit, will not marry gays and will not pray to God through Mary.....................................
Why then do solid, scripturally correct churches join hands in fellowship with apostate churches when Paul says with people like that "DO NOT EVEN EAT"?
I don't know.............
But I will CRY OUT LOUD and stand ground for the faith!
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